Local Plumber Recommend A Backwater Valve

Local Plumbing’s professional teams have installed hundreds of backwater valves, sump pumps, and the like. If you would like our professional plumbers to provide you with a quote for your preventative plumbing, then give our local plumber a call today at (416) 695-5604, and protect your biggest investment.  A backwater valve is the easiest way to guarantee you won’t be flooded by the city sewer system failing. 

How can I tell if I need a mainline backwater valve?

Depending on how flood prone your home is you may know already whether or not you require a backwater valve. When required, a backwater valve will be the difference between a flooded basement filled with sewage and a clean and dry basement.

One simple way to tell whether you require a backwater valve is to consider your location to the nearby sewer system that services your home and surrounding properties. Imagine there is a street on a gradual hill, there are three homes on this street and the sanitary sewer drain is located at the top of the hill. If the homes further down the hill are below the top of the sanitary sewer than there is a good chance that the sewer will backflow into those homes.

Under these circumstances a backwater valve will need to be installed to ensure that these basements do not flood. Additionally, there are circumstances where there does not appear to be any specific cause for concern, but when it rains the sewer system backs up and into people’s homes. In these situations installation of a backwater valve will also be helpful.

How an approved Toronto backwater valve works

An approved Toronto backwater valve works by having a swing check installed within it.  Basically, it allows water to flow through the backwater valve, out towards the city sewer pipe.  However, if the city sewer pipe is overloaded, and starts to back up into your home, the swing check valve on the backwater valve will float itself closed, and prevent any further flooding from coming into your home.  If you happen to live in a townhouse, and you’re the only resident with a backwater valve, your neighbors will be the ones dealing with all of the sewage.  It is advisable that they get a backwater valve as well. Give us a call today to find out more.

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